Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ceo Cant Afford to Panic Essay

Joan Kaczmarek suggest that is important to help, he starts by coordinating a census of the people missing within the organization in order to find out whether some of the employees can be in danger. †¢Mr. Smarten is told by the security chief Mr. Paul Schlesinger that the police department are going to call soon to ask if they can use their lobby facilities as a triage centre and temporary morgue. †¢The market has fallen due to the news, the chief investment officer Ms. Dana Rosi advises Smarten to move as much activity to the New York and Chicago offices due to the fact that the investments need to be followed up and she is also worried that lending the facilities might bring negative impact on the company and shareholder’s value. †¢The Marketing VP Mr. Sal Persano is worried about the negative implications that the image and logo of the company appearing in pictures where the victims of the bombing are being kept might bring. †¢The general council mentions that lending the facilities might bring liability issues for the company. The opinions of the different members of the board differ. Some are concerned that lending the facilities in order to aid the police could generate bad association for the firm in the future, other are concerned that the company would fail to act ethically just in order to maintain its image, and others are concerned that the trading operations might be affected and that the firm will be unable to fulfil its obligations towards the clients and maintain shareholder’s value. Problem Identification 1. With little time and limited information, Mr. Smarten faces the dilemma of making a decision that could affect the image of the company for better or for worse. The decision that has to be made needs to take into consideration both the business’s shareholders’ interests while at the same time being an ethical and humane decision that looks for the employee’s, bombing victims and community wellbeing. 2. The team’s point of views regarding what needs to be done differ, as they all look after the interests of the particular area they work for. Issue Analysis Mr. Smarten needs to choose an option that portrays his personal values as well as business professionalism. Should he lend the facilities for morgue use or shouldn’t he? Can he come up with another solution for the request? Should he make the decision by himself, or would a consensus decision making be appropriate? This situation calls for a leader that has self-confidence, trustworthiness and courage as personality traits. Du Brin (2013) describes a self-confident leader as one that can maintain composure and calm when dealing when a crisis, Mr. Smarten firstly needs to communicate this self-confidence to the rest of his team even if he isn’t quite feeling this way. Whatever decision Mr. Smarten take will reflect on how trustworthy he is, his colleagues will conclude based on his actions weather he is a trustworthy leader, especially when they put themselves in the situation where one of them could be present at the bombings. Courage is the leadership attribute that Mr. Smarten will need the most in this type of situation, Du Brin (2013) describes courage as the attribute of a person that takes responsibility for his actions. Organization now a days have complex environments with everyday ethical challenges that must be faced (Hunter, 2003), and therefore require that managers with the appropriate character to deal with them. Du Brin (2013) also mentions the importance of cognitive intelligence as an attribute of effective leadership. Mr. Smarten need to have good problem solving skills that arise from being cognitively intelligent, as in this scenario the time to make a decision is limited; he must also act with creativity. Mr. Smarten needs to have farsightedness in order to understand the long term consequence his decision might bring for his coworkers, the firm and the community itself. In a short term, he needs to have as much insight into the situation as possible, Du Brin (2013) notes that effective problem solving also requires intuition and common sense. The problem Mr. Smarten faces is that he needs to make the most ethically decision possible trying to protect the interests of different groups of people, and most probably some of the decision taken will negatively affect one or the other parties. Mr. Smarten need to act with moral courage, which has been described by Kidder (2005) as â€Å"a commitment to moral principles, an awareness of the danger involved in supporting those principles and a willing endurance of that danger†. In a short period of time, and with the team’s members opinion’s differing from one another, Mr. Smarten could try to apply the six questions to evaluate the ethics of a specific decision (Bentley College, 2013): 1. Is the decision right? 2. Is it fair? 3. Who gets hurt? 4. Would Mr. Smarten be comfortable if the details of his decision were made public in the media? 5. What would Mr. Smarten tell his child or relative to do? 6. How does the decision feel? Hannah et all (2011) introduce the concept of pro-social behavior which describe behavior in leaders that go beyond his specific role requirements, a behavior in which the leader takes action to protect both the organization, coworkers and community. In this particular situation which was triggered by an external event (bombings) protecting everyone’s interest might not be possible by taking one single decision. Potential solutions (Analysis, Advantages, Disadvantages) The following lines explore the potential solutions and why to approve the potential request from the city †¢Inspiring a positive atmosphere in order outbreak the panic if any, with in the group members. Mr. Smarten should have self-confidence, trustworthiness and courage personality traits in order to be able to transfer his commitment to the group and the organization. He should be a charismatic leader, and have a relationship between the group members and the Stakeholders, in order to guide his personality traits to demonstrate self-sacrifice and the high performance, by expressing positive emotions and thoughts to enhance their positive affect. For instance he may mention the positives for his group members and the company; as it is good that no one from the group members is on sight, and fortunately the company is a few blocks away and did not have any damages (DuBrin, P107, 2013). He can also articulate a high emotional message for instance saying; â€Å"that we are encountering a serious situation and if we well behaved, we may save someone’s’ life† (DuBrin, P109, 2013). He can also bring some other successful examples, from another firm’s behaviours as metaphors and analogies to motivate the group and inspire his positive message (DuBrin, P117, 2013). By being enthusiastic, optimistic and energetic, he can create a Vision for others in order to change the room’s total environment from a turmoil horror to a productive positive atmosphere suitable to take decisive decisions. †¢Taking ethical and moral decisions In this part, it is recommended that Mr. Gerald Smarten to emphasize on mentioning the probability of him scarifying his career, if his decisions did not meet with the stockholder’s expectations, in order to help the city. It was already demonstrated that Mr. Smarten was honest and trustworthy in putting out his concerns about the stakeholder’s reactions, in front of everybody, as Mr. Kaczmarek said. Ethically, Mr. smarten should not pay any attention for the Italian marble in these kinds of events, especially when they have 23 employees on absence, while from the other side, he should not ignore the proposition from Mr. Kaczmarek on the same time, as leaders should respect the individual’s opinions. The advantages from this point of view, beside self-satisfaction of taking moral and ethical decision, the benefits that may occur from the media publishing this behavior, in which will have a positive impact on the company’s goodwill and reputation. †¢Turn the crises upside-down into an opportunity. Now, after the recommended decision, which is to accept the city demand, Mr Smarten should lead the group and coach it, trying to make the most benefit out of it. Inspirited from the case of the tragic accident in Chile when 33 mine workers were trapped in a gold mine, the leader Andre Sougarett was able to turn it into an opportunity, when he succeeded with his team, pulling out all the 33 workers alive after 69 days (DuBrin, P2, 2013). This could be implemented when group members start to have the positive mood, high valences as well as instrumentalities. After putting all fears a part and removing horror from all of the team, Mr Smarten should start to motivate all members in explaining his vision and motivate them to have the appeal to perform and produce immediately. As long as he have No alternatives decisions, it is either â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no†, leaders should get out of the box and be creative to bring alternatives to approach decisions (Hmamond, Keeney & Raiffa, 1999). These kind of reactions, like saving lives, can turn the catastrophic events in to a successful story like the one happened with Sougarett (Illiano & Wade, 2010). Nerveless, it can be a lesson for other firms and other industries; an airplane crash can be a lesson in another side of the world for anther industry (Fortune & Peters, 1995, P02). This will conclude that Mr. Smarten should be more autocratic than democratic to take fast decisive decisions in the meeting and send everyone to work to help using the company’s lobby facilities as a triage centre and temporary morgue. †¢Leading by example: Mr Smarten being in such a fix, with everything on the line and with the clock ticking, needs to make a decision quickly. And as the title of the case ready â€Å"The CEO Can’t afford to panic† is true in itself as it is in times like these that people need to step up, keep calm, and make sure that panic does not seep through the entire organization. This is exactly the time where-in CEO Gerald Smarten needs to lead by example. He should have reason and judgement while making decisions. Gerald Smarten should answer the call of the community and provide Kaspa’s lobby as a triage center. The only negative would be the short-term liability issues, but on the other hand this ethical decision would help create and root seed of morale within the organizations, and it will set a good example, and would be good press for the company. This decision is not only the ethical and right thing to do but it will also create goodwill and greater loyalty towards the organization over the long run. Coming towards this decision Mr Smarten has to answer only one question. Would I be able to look at myself into the mirror, knowing that I could have aided and saved innocent people? missing staff ? Best solution Since limited of time and information were provided, Mr. Smarten should make a quick and precise decision whether he should allow lending the company facilities for a triage center and temporary morgue as requested or not. According to this scenario, Mr. Smarten should respond to the request as soon as possible by gathering information inside Kaspa and balancing the benefit of the company, employee and community’s wellbeing. There was no any alternative decisions be provided, he could say either â€Å"Yes† or â€Å"No† so that answering with â€Å"Yes, and†¦. † could be the best solution that balance the benefit for every single side. A good leader should be able convey precise answer while he could raise up any concerns regarding to the issue by adding up the conjunction like â€Å"and†, not â€Å"but† after concrete response, in order to create goodwill and make the respondents open minded to what the leader are concerning. The best solution Mr. Smarten should decide is to say â€Å"Yes, we will help community saving injured victims, but we have to clarify the truth and build trustworthiness toward the firm on media. † The first thing Mr. Smarten could do is to keep clam, not express panic or frustration in order to build self-assured among team member. By doing this, Mr. Smarten could respond to the request by convey such a message to encourage staff to support his decision such as â€Å"We understand that using our company’s facilities to be served as a triage center may reflect negative images to the company and shareholder’s value, but I know we can rebuild trust back to the company. Using positive wording to back up self-confidence of the leader may result to leadership effectiveness Du Brin (2013). In addition, being self-confident could help Mr. Smarten maintain calmness when dealing with a crisis. After keeping himself and others calm during turmoil, he could ask for consensus decision by gather ing all departments to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each decision that would be made. Ultimately, saying â€Å"yes† to allow lending the company facilities for a triage center and temporary morgue would be the best solution which reflect ethical and humane character of leader as well as create company’s reputation. Mr. Smarten should be aware that there is no decision that would not affect one another so that choosing to help community may result to liability issue afterward which is a short-term effect. However, using the company’s facility to serve injured victims during the crisis can reflect ethical and humane reputation toward Kaspa which is considered as long-term result. This reflects farsightedness traits of leadership; to concern more on long-term result rather than immediate result Du Blin (2013). Meanwhile, Mr. Smarten should show up his leadership skill to get through the crisis by bring out his leadership traits. He could assign one responsible person to be present at the bombing site to enhance trustworthiness and responsibility of himself as well as the company which benefit the whole image of Kaspa and employees (Kalshoven K. , Hartog D. N. , 2009). Whatever the result would be, he should have courage to take responsibility for the decision he made. Even the media spread the news of using the company serving bomb victims; Mr. Smarten could turn crisis to the opportunity build up company’s goodwill and reputation. To be effective leadership, Mr. Smarten should sacrifices the immediate interest of the firm but not an amount of unselfish concern (Ciulla J. B. , 2003) Conclusion Thus as mentioned in the case the troubles caused due to the bombing has impacted the neighbouring community and has put CEO of Kaspa Mr Smarten in a difficult spot. However with certain traits such as farsightedness, reason & judgement, ethical and moral approach and courage are among a few traits that helps him make the tough decisions and be able to successfully lead his team through this tough time.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The True Definition of a Strong Team

The True Definition of a Strong Team What is a team one may ask? The formal definition of team is â€Å"a number of persons associated in some joint action† (Team). A group of athletes, a group of employees, or a group of friends can call themselves a team when united to complete a common goal. Truly any group of individuals can call themselves a team, but only when this group possesses the right characteristics is when they can be called a true, strong team. Being a strong team is much more than getting a group a group of people together and declaring it is a team. A strong team is constructed with more than speech; it deals with strong feelings, dedication, and hard work. Strong feelings provide great importance when construction a strong team. Whether people are part of a sport team or a work force, they all must possess the characteristic of having strong feelings for the situation they are placed in. If the person’s feelings are so strong, he/she will be more than willing to strive for that goal. If he/she did not care much for the situation they are placed into, they will most likely not strive and excel and unfortunately, the team will suffer by the goal not being reached. When each individual in a team has strong feelings toward the completion of or reaching that goal, a strong team is reached. Everyone, apart of the team, who has those strong feelings are on the same page allowing them to strive together with a great feeling of passion. When this passion is reached, every team member will know exactly how to complete their team goal with their inner feelings. When a team all has the same feelings toward a common goal it shows the strength of the team as a whole. A team may all have a strong feeling toward completing a goal, but each individual has to portray many other characteristics in order to become a strong team. With strong feelings, teams can reach many goals. But in order to complete and achieve more challenging goals, a strong team must posses’ dedication. Dedication is a very important characteristic that every great team out there acquires. Dedication requires individuals to do the best they can always. For example, always showing up for dance class, always being on time for dance class, always being at every rehearsal, and so fourth. When portraying the dedication attitude, others will envy that and respect the fact that this individual wants to be apart of something much greater than any individual. Dedication can also be portrayed through showing respect for the team. This can be done by putting others first. If every member of a team is willing to put others before themselves, a team will be able to accomplish goals the never thought they could before. Dedication is a characteristic every team must have in order to be called a strong team. A strong team that possesses dedication are the teams heard to be accomplishing phenomenal goals, not only because they are extraordinary at their sport, but because they have the passion and dedication of being apart of a team. Dedication is a possession that truly great teams have and with dedication comes hard work and if you are dedicated, you will work hard! Working hard is something each individual must provide their team. By working hard, a team will become stronger and will learn how to work together by working off each others’ strengths. Working hard means that people always put forth their best foot and try their hardest at all times. Through hard work, individuals will mold themselves to become better, along with helping others improve. When a team is able to work hard every day and put forth everything they have, that team will strive. In the end, what that team puts in is what they will receive out and each individual is going to get stronger through their teams improvement. Undergoing these strong feelings toward a goal will help the team succeed. Hard work will better the chances of completing this unique goal the team holds. Dedication is a key characteristic in all teams. Dedication most importantly makes the team not only stronger as individuals but as a team. Dedication builds the base for a strong team and hard work keeps that team functioning beautifully together. These characteristics will give that passion to excel towards a sport, job or any such life goals. When each of these characteristics are reached, I give the permission to call themsel

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

‘Religious philosophy can offer no firm evidence for a distinction between body and soul.’ Discuss. Humans appear to have both a body and a mind, the body which is related to physical movements and appearances. And the mind which relates to feelings and emotions, qualia. Many philosophers therefore make a distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, body problem†. Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul. Plato saw the body and soul as two separate entities. The soul that most closely resembles the divine and immortal. While the body resembles the human and mortal, which is endlessly changing and can be broken down. Plato was not trying to suggest the soul was perfect as it joined the body which it is inhibited by, however, he explains that by taking care of the soul the person can develop knowledge. Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday. For the body to survive it must meet its basic needs such as food, reproduction and physical pleasure. On the other hand for the mind to be stimulated it has other needs that are met through deep thought and learning. However, there is a flaw to Plato’s theory, how can you have two completely different substances that are the same thing? Plato’s theory suggests the body and soul can work together to achieve a higher level of existence, but if the body and soul are completely different there is no evidence to suggest they would be compatible. Another dualist, Aquinas took a more religious view of dualism. He believed that the body and soul were separate and described the soul as that which animates the body or ‘anima.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the soul that departs has an immortal existence. Evidence for religious views on the soul come from the bible. Within the new testament, there are stories of Jesus’ resurrection that suggest dualism. Within one particular story Jesus’ disciples are walking to Emaus. Along the way they are joined by a man, it is only when they arrive at Emaus and offer the man a place to eat and stay that he reveals himself as Jesus. This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christian the evidence may not be so reliable. Cartesian duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically. He accepted that everything non physical is in the mind and therefore must be distinct from the body. The mind according to Descartes is non – spatial and is distinct from material and bodily substances. He suggested that everything has characteristics and that the mind and body’s characteristics are different therefore hey must be separate. For example a property of the mind may be consciousness, whereas the body has more aesthetic qualities such as height breadth etc. Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God. † A man’s soul is that to which the pure mental properties of a man belong.† Richard Swinburne developed a dualist view based on the soul being indestructible and indivisible. Swinburne suggested that is a logical possibility for a person to exist after the body dies, as the soul lives on. The soul according to Swinburne is linked with mental processes and activity and it’s independent from the body. Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from near death experiences. In many instances people have claimed to have had near death experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul. On the other hand although the details of the experiences seem to be accurate there is no proof that the experiences may not be caused by another physical phenomena. On the other hand Dawkins, a biological materialist would disagree with the opinion that the soul and the body are separate substances. Dawkins bases his theory on evolution and genetics. He would reject any concept of an eternal soul and therefore rejects dualism. Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life. The evidence for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information. Genes according to Dawkins program who a person is, and it is DNA that singly creates what a person looks like as well as their personality. For Dawkins both the mind and body are controlled by the DNA and therefore he suggests that there is no need for a soul. Although Dawkins theory is based on empirical evidence and it has been proved that certain genes decide certain parts of a persons characteristics there is yet no proof to suggest that genes make up the whole of a someone’s personality and therefore it could be seen that there may be something else, this may be the soul. John Hick has formed a view of religious materialism. He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"replica theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there must be some kind of replica. This replica is the same person however, whilst they cannot exist at the same time. According to Hick at the same time that when a person dies a replica of them is created by God. This is a way of preserving personal identity after death. The evidence for religious materialism is based on the resurrection of Jesus. Some accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality. Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place. In the brain, consciousness is generated as well as the other physical processes we link with the brain such as movement. Evidence for this is put foreward in â€Å"the philosophy files†. Within the book and analogy explains how if you were to look in the brain you would be able to locate an area that is stimulated and that thoughts must be generated in this area. We already know only 10% of the brains capacity is used consciously and therefore it is a logical assumption that our mind is located within the brain. An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the brain which as well as having the functions we already recognise such as controlling physical activity, speaking and controlling bodily functions it ca n also control the mind. Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense. Such dualists views as Plato where the assumptions are based on everyday life may be more appropriate, however there is still little empirical evidence to prove the theory. On the other hand materialists put fore ward convincing arguments based on scientifically testable theories i.e. Dawkins. But neither arguments yet put enough evidence fore ward to either prove their views or disprove that of others. Therefore the statement Religious philosophy can offer no firm evidence for a distinction between body and soul may be considered as correct, however there is not yet enough evidence to suggest that religious views of dualism cannot be true.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tracey Emin Something Wrong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tracey Emin Something Wrong - Essay Example 6). However, emergence of modernism in the Western social and intellectual discourse has contributed to a great extent in immense popularization of this art form and currently it is considered as â€Å"the most universal of all the arts† (Newark, 2002, p. 6). Freedom of expression and reflection of spontaneous human emotions are important traits of modernist consciousness. One of the important reasons for wide acceptance of graphic design is that it encompasses both these aspects and an artistic mind receives a great deal of liberty to express his/her reflection about the society or events happening around through symbolic yet explicit use of imageries. William Addison Dwiggins, considered as the father of modern graphic design, has clearly pronounced his observation regarding application of this art form as, â€Å"The printing designer’s whole duty is to make a clear presentation of the message – to get the important statements forward and the minor parts place d so that they will not be overlooked† (Dwiggins; Newark, 2002, p. 10). Such observation clearly suggests that graphic design not only emphasizes over certain important aspects that the artist whishes to focus; rather it elaborates an entirety of observation of the human existence in the modern situation, where every single emotional expression receives equally important treatment from the respective artist. The cosmopolitan social existence of the modern era is a very vital factor, which has provided an extra boost to wide acceptance of graphic design. In addition to this factor, evolution of feminism and Women’s Art Movement during the 70s helped in providing a new dimension to the entire scenario of artistry (Pollock and Sauron, 2007, p. 215). Though constitutionally the Western nations were emphasizing over the aspect of freedom of speech and expression but compared to men, their female counterparts were

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Modern technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern technology - Essay Example Our recent use of smartphones however seems to defeat that purpose because we have become more disconnected than we were because of our excessive use of smartphones. Smartphone is â€Å"a  mobile phone  with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic  feature phones. Early smartphones typically combined the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such as a  personal digital assistant  (PDA), a media player, a  digital camera, and/or a  GPS navigation unit. Later smartphones include all of those plus the features of a  touchscreen  computer, including  web browsing,  Wi-Fi, and 3rd-party  apps† (Wikipedia). In short, smartphone is a mobile phone that has the capability of a computer because it does not only allow us to send text messages and make phone calls, but also has processing capability to get into the internet, play applications as well as take and record videos and pictures. Having a smartphone is like having a computer in our pockets where the world can be reached with tip of our fingers. Through it, we can reach virtually connect to almost anyone from anywhere in the world. It made our life very convenient because many transactions and activities can already be done online through our smartphones. Transactions such as banking and paying our bills which usually takes time and effort to do because we have to physically do it but can now be done through our smartphones saving us time and money. Shopping are also made easier through our smartphones because we can now buy online through our smartphones and even have it delivered right at our doorsteps. Basically, the capabilities of smartphone now seem to be endless and the possibilities that can be done with it is still evolving because developers are still thinking of new ways on how it can still be harnessed. Despite of the many

Monday, August 26, 2019

DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE - Essay Example The overdependence on electronic technology makes formal writing an aged proposition. The other good point from your response is the influence on the writing process. I agree with your point that the use of electronics greatly influences the critical th8inking process. For example, I would support your argument by adding that the role of search engines destroys the creative process. This means that students depend too much on the Internet that they miss the essentials of creativity. Academic writing requires that an individual get information through the learning process, meaning that an individual should not rely on information from the Internet and such sources. Despite the heavy criticism of electronic tools and their influence on formal writing, I agree with your point that these tools offer a great source of information. Despite the use of the Internet to spoil reading, its advantage in the availing of information cannot be denied. Therefore, I agree that electronic tools are also good for formal writing, even though the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. I take a middle stand in this question, so I would like to ask for your absolute opinion, do you think electronic tools are good or bad for formal

Read the documents carefully and you will able to know what I want Essay

Read the documents carefully and you will able to know what I want - Essay Example Incorporation of quality management in software development lifecycle ensures that there is high quality product at the end. This in addition ensures that the clients are satisfied and contented. This evidence shows that the aspect of quality management needs not to be neglected in software development project lifecycle. The major reason for incorporating quality management in software development projects is to ensure that quality standards are upheld throughout the development process (Sue Carroll 2007). Quality management is also aimed at developing quality end product which satisfies and meets the specific users. In order to understand the relationship between quality management and the success/failure of software development projects it is important to understand the three core aspects of quality management which comprises of software quality assurance, software quality plan and software quality control. Software quality assurance (SQA) is the organizational quality guide in regard to software development projects (Smith 2001). These quality guidelines comprises of regulations, standards as well as procedures in coming up with quality end products, evaluation, verification and confirmation of work products in the software development lifecycle. This aspect also entails incorporation of knowledge base of the best practices. Software quality plan (SQP) is also another important aspect is a quality plan drafted by all the stakeholders of the software development team declaring their commitment to adhere to the procedures, regulations and all the applicable standards throughou8t the development lifecycle. It is the duty of the software development manager to approve and justify any of the necessary adjustment which deviates from the SQP Land SQA standards. Finally is the aspect of the software quality control (SQC) which ensures that both the SQA and SQP the software development is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Tyco International Company Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tyco International Company Culture - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that ethics signifies the habit, customs, disposition, and significance of an individual. Ethics has been related to honesty and morality conducted by an individual or employee in their personal or professional lives.   Although, there is no widely accepted definition of   business ethics but according to author Lewis it is defined as rules, standards, principles, codes, which provide guidelines   for the morally right behavior and the truthfulness   in certain specific situations It is observed that an organization with a diverse workforce face various situational dilemma and issues arising out of ethical values. Ethics can be termed asset of moral standards that help the managers and the employees to arrive at a unified decision with the stakeholders. The influence of the legal laws on the managerial decision making is huge and has a considerable amount of influence on the personal and professional lives of the people. Tyco Intern ational Ltd It was observed that after the scandalous activity performed by the management of Enron Corporation the share prices of Tyco International started decreasing gradually. Initially, the accountability of the decreasing shares was given to the heavy intraday trading on a particular day which amounted to the US $68 million. However, the share price of the company started decreasing drastically from $4.45 to $ 47.95 per share. The final blow to the employees and the shareholders was when the management announced that the total earnings of the company had dropped down drastically to 24 percent in the year 2001 compared to the year 2000. The share price of the company had dropped down to $29.90 which was a decrease of 50 percent since January 2002. Tyco International was facing one of the biggest financial crises and the incident had sparked controversies in the entire United States of America. This had led to the management of the company to borrow funds and an analyst had cal led the situation as â€Å"crisis in confidence†.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discuss the factors influencing the entrepreneurs demand for a Essay

Discuss the factors influencing the entrepreneurs demand for a specific source of finance at the startup stage, with respect to Meyers Pecking Order Hypothesi - Essay Example The following paragraphs explain what is in the mind of the managers when they decide whether to use the Pecking Order Model or the Trade -off Model are used. Myers (1984) stated that the company's managers have to exert all efforts to maintain the status quo in their dealings with the market. Thus, many the managers prefer to apply the pecking order theory than the trade off model in seeking additional funds to be used in their business operations (Scott, 1972;p. 45-50). The pecking order means that the company prioritises generating funds from internal sources. These internal sources include the net income or retained earnings from operations, dividend withheld from its stockholders (Baskin, 1989; pp. 26-35). If this choice is not possible, then the second source of income is borrowing money (Marsh, 1982; p. 121-144). The lenders become creditors and not owners of the company. If this second choice is also not possible, then the last choice would be to offer stocks to the public so that new investment money will flow in (Bradley, Jarrell and Kim, 1984;pp. 857-878). To reiterate, the pecking order is the preferred choice of many managers because they do not want to go through the rigours of having to place themselves under the scrutiny and investigative discipline the law when money is borrowed such as the banks request for a feasibility study to determine if the company will be able to pay their loans when the due date arrives (Ferri and Jones, 1979;pp. 631-644). Likewise, the company will not have to go through the difficulty of submitting to the stock exchanges and the government regulating agencies the reasons for their planned offering of stocks to the market (Mikkelson and Partch, 1986;p.31-60).But in this occurs, then the company would rather offer preferred stocks before offering the common stocks the public. For the common stock gives the investors the right to vote in the management's business plans. Whereas, most preferred stocks do not permit the stockholders to vote in the management plans. For, many managers abhor the presenting o f confidential financial statements to the lenders and general public when stocks are offered in the exchanges (Myers and Majluf, 1984; p. 187-221). For, the pecking order shows that generating funds associates the gearing ratio to the company's retained earnings which is the accumulation of the yearly net income of the company and distribution or withholding of dividends to the stockholders on record and the offer of stocks to the general public in stock exchanges (Jalivland and Harris, 1984;p.127-145).Reasonably, management will prefer to pay dividends to their stockholders and expand its business operations through additional investment from its current stockholders on record instead of offering new stocks to the general public who are complete strangers to the company (Taggart,1977;p.1467-1484). For, internally generated money will do away with the usual problems and obstacles when external money is chosen as a fund source. Furthermore, externally -generated funds like bonds and long term bank loans could place an additional requirement that all company business decisions in terms of expansion or closing down shop will have to be approved by the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Review of the N314D Point Mutation on the GALT Gene and its Term Paper

Review of the N314D Point Mutation on the GALT Gene and its Relationship to Galactosemia Type I - Term Paper Example The UDP- galactose, found in the liver and erythrocytes, is required for the major cell functions like chemical signaling, building cellular structures, transporting molecules and producing energy. Since, galactose-1-phosphate is toxic to the parenchymal cells present prominently in liver, kidney and brain, accumulation of it in those organs leads to severe damage to them. According to Fleisher (2012), this disease severely attacks 20% of the patients at the infant stage itself, and so Galactosemia type I is screened when an individual is still in their infancy. The procedure, which utilizes dried blood on filter paper, screens for galactosemia by performing analysis on the total galactose (galactose and galactose-1-phosphate), as well as the activity of the GALT enzyme itself. While effective, false positives frequently occur due to environmental factors and the high frequency of the Duarte-D2 mutation (N314D). (Carney et al., 2009). Environmental factors such as heat and humidity, as well as sample handling procedures, may affect the GALT assay providing for low activity and false positive results. The variation in the results may be even due to the sample handling procedures. Infants die within a few days on exposure to milk, as lactose sugar present in the milk gets converted into galactose and this galactose accumulates in the infants. The accumu lation of galactose-1-phosphate may lead to cirrhosis, cataract and severe mental retardation. Infants with this disease will have hemolysis, albuminaria and elevated clotting times, with hepatomegaly being the common cause. (Fleisher, 2012). If undiagnosed, or left untreated, the mortality rate in infants is nearly 75% (Elsas et al., 1994). Additionally, even with a properly controlled, galactose-free diet, adults with galactosemia typically develop symptoms as they grow older, some of these symptoms include learning

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Length for Nickel-chrome wire of a diameter Essay Example for Free

Length for Nickel-chrome wire of a diameter Essay This is because the resistance is very high so current will be low. The wire will heat up because the resistance is high leaving me with a good range of resistances between 100-10cm. I shall now work out the current that would flow through 1m of wire: I=V/R 3/3. 6= 0. 833 A 3/5. 3= 0. 566 A 3/15. 2= 0. 197A 3/21. 3= 0. 141A 3/35. 1= 85mA   This is my desired Current. By using these results I now know what range of the ammeter needs to be. It shall be that of 0-100mA. My school has ammeters that can measure to this range. Results Length (cm) Voltage 1 (V) Current 1 (mA) Voltage2 (V) Current 2(mA)   Measurements of diameter of wire at 20 cm intervals Point measured at (cm) Diameter measured (mm)Final data (allowing for end error) I then checked the end error of the micrometer was +0. 04mm leaving me with the final data Percentage Errors of Apparatus Micrometer. When the diameter is put into the equation A=? (d/2)2 the diameter is squared so the error is doubled i. e. 10. 5% Conclusion Alessadnro Bizzarri I found out that my predictions were correct. The longer the piece of wire, the greater the resistance. This is due to the idea of the free moving electrons being resisted by atoms in the wire. There would be more collisions in a longer piece of wire, which explains the increased resistance. I also predicted that the relationship between the wire length and the resistance should be directly proportional because the line pass through the origin. I finished with a straight line graph so this prediction was also correct. This is because in a wire twice the length of another wire, there would be double the number of atoms causing resistance. From my graph my gradient is equal to 41/1. 04= 39. 42? m. Gradient= 39. 42? m. By using the formula P= Gradient ? A , I can find P. A=? (d/2) 2 = (0. 19? 10-3/2) 2 Area =2. 8? 10-8 P=2. 8? 10-8 ? 39. 42 P=110? 10-8? m Evaluation I am relatively pleased with the results obtained. I ended up with a wide range of results and my predictions were proved correct. I predicted that when I plotted R against l it would produce a straight line going through the origin. My results were accurate because on my graph nearly all of the points came into contact with the line of best fit or were very close. My techniques of measuring current and voltage were also good because the variation between repeat readings of voltage and current at each length is small. Length (cm) Difference in voltage (V) Difference in Current (mA). The range of resistances between each reading is large which gives me more spread, which makes my graph more accurate. Evaluation of results The value I have calculated for resistivity is 110? 10-8 ? /m. I looked up my data laboratory book and found it to be 110? 10-8. My unrounded value for the resistivity is 110. 3? 10-8 ? /m . This is an almost identical value to that found in the book. Sources of error In this experiment I encountered many sources of error. The inconstant thickness of wire accounts for one of them. Although I took diameter readings along the length of wire, there could still be chinks in the wire which could affect many of my results. The crocodile clips which I used also increased error slightly. The crocodile clip was in contact with an unnecessarily large section of the wire during the experiment. Because of this, I was taking voltage and current readings for a slightly inaccurate length. This is also partly due to human error because I could have placed the crocodile clip onto the exact length I wanted. My micrometer also proved to have significant source of error. The end error of the micrometer I used was +0. 04mm. The micrometer was also found to have the greatest percentage error. Its percentage error was doubled because the diameter it was used to measure was squared . (A=? (d/2)2). Measuring the length of my wire proved quite difficult because it was hard to get an accurate reading by eye. Even though the wire was cello taped to a meter rule there was some slackness in the wire proving that there was in fact more than a meter there. I managed to avoid getting the temperature too hot and so increased accuracy and reliability. Improvements. Many of improvements could be put in place if I was to redo this experiment. I would buy a wire, which has the same diameter all the way through. I could also find an improvement to the crocodile clips. Instead of the clips I could use a jockey key. The length of wire which I would be collecting data for would be a lot accurate as jockey key comes into contact with the wire over a small distance compared to the crocodile clips. Further work A possible source for further work is analysing the effect of the cross sectional area of the wire with resistance. Using the equation R=pl/A in the form of Y=mx+c. Plotting R against l/A again I could predict another straight line and the resitivity would be found. This would be the same for nickel Chrome. I could also see if the equations R? l and R? l/A are true for other types of wire. Bibliography Physics by Tom Duncan   Salters Horners advanced Physics Collins advanced modular sciences Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Benefits of a Healthy Workforce Essay Example for Free

Benefits of a Healthy Workforce Essay Organisational health programmes are essential to the survival of companies. Undoubtedly, a healthy workforce would work wonders for any business by reducing absenteeism and turnover, and increasing employee motivation, productivity and revenues. Lowe (2004) writes that hundreds of studies have already documented the direct as well as indirect advantages of â€Å"healthy work environments† to employees in addition to their organisations (p. 7). Indeed, healthy workplaces as well as jobs contribute to the well-being of employees. These benefits may be realized by the whole organisation through lower absenteeism, lower turnover, higher job satisfaction, improved performance on the job, lower rates of accident, in addition to â€Å"reduced health benefit and worker compensation costs (Lowe, p. 7). † Moreover, research has revealed that the largest gains in productivity may be realized by the organisation that changes the entire work environment to make it healthier for all employees (Lowe). Research has also revealed that the impact of poor health is keenly felt in the work environment, so therefore managers require an improved understanding of the dangers of allowing minor symptoms to escalate. Four in ten managers who participated in a recently conducted survey related to workplace health complained that they often become angry with others and feel humorless due to pressure. More than fifty percent of the managers complained of physical pain, at the same time as forty four percent reported experiencing frequent headaches. Moreover, fifty five percent complained of constant tiredness, fifty seven percent complained of insomnia, while twenty percent simply stated that they found it difficult to make decisions because of ill health (Poor Health 2006). Unsurprisingly, these results demand organisations to put effective health programmes in place for all employees. Sick employees are not likely to be highly productive in any case. In the United States, businesses are known to spend at least U. S. $450 billion every year on direct health care. Poor health costs around U. S. $225. 8 billion to American businesses each year through absenteeism as well as productivity losses that are related to the health problems of employees and their families. Hence, insurers as well as employers have started to create a large number of health promotion and prevention programmes that have already started to pay handsome dividends. According to a study, American employers may â€Å"reap the average of [U. S. ] $3. 48 in reduced health care costs and [U. S. ] $5. 82 in lower absenteeism costs for every dollar invested in employee wellness (Toomey 2006, p. 13). † Of course, these benefits can be realized anywhere in the world. In the United Kingdom, three quarters of a million workers are known to take time off work each year due to work-related illnesses (Firman 2006). These illnesses are further known to cost businesses as much as ten percent of their total payroll costs. Indeed, by promoting health in the workplace and preventing illnesses through effective health programmes in the organisation, absenteeism and costs related to the same may be drastically lowered. The money that is saved thus may be used by the organisation to update its equipment; on marketing; as well for the provision of training to employees. Organisations may also be able to increase the number of employees with the cost savings realized through effective health programmes (Jim 2006). Indeed, the benefits of health management programmes in the organisation are aplenty. Healthy employees add value to the organisation. The care shown by employers can boost the morale of the workers. The entire organisation benefits from this, as it becomes more efficient with a healthy and therefore productive workforce. REFERENCES Firman, C. 16. 11. 2006 â€Å"Health Matters. † Motor Transport available at EBSCO Host database. Jim, N. 9. 6. 2006 â€Å"Health and Safety Assessments Cut Costs and Boost Productivity. † Electronics Weekly 2256 available at EBSCO Host database. Lowe, G. S. 2004 â€Å"Healthy Workplace Strategies: Creating Change and Achieving Results. † The Graham Lowe Group available at http://www. grahamlowe. ca/documents/93/Hlthy%20wkpl%20strategies%20report. pdf. Poor Health 2006: â€Å"Poor Health Leads to a Humorless, Angrier Workforce† article in Occupational Health (Jun 2006), 58(6) available at EBSCO Host database. Toomey, D. 18. 12. 2006 â€Å"Wellness and Prevention Programs Generate Healthy Outcomes. † Executive Health Wellness Guide available at EBSCO Host database.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Restaurant Industry Today Marketing Essay

The Restaurant Industry Today Marketing Essay Restaurants are one of the most highly regulated businesses today. The nature of the project is starting a new Asian restaurant in North West London. We decided to open the new restaurant in Wembley central. According to the National Restaurant Association, the restaurant industry sales are expected to reach a record $537 billion in 2007 and they have estimated that there are approximately 935,000 restaurant-and-food service centres. Firstly we need to do first business plan in order to open a new restaurant. Project objectives Opening up a new Restaurant in Wembley central area will meet the following set of objectives: Achievement of companys objective which includes maximisation of shareholders wealth. Fulfil its growth organically. Accomplishing customers requirement such as easy access to our stores and good customer services. Industry Analysis Although the restaurant industry is very competitive and as the number of people have less time, resources, and ability to cook for them it is important that the restaurant is well positioned for the current interest and people get healthier foods at moderate to low prices. The Restaurant Industry Today The food service business is one of the third largest industries in the country. It accounts for more than $240 billion sales annually. The independent restaurant accounts for 15% of that total. According to a survey the average American spends 15% of his/her income on meals eating away from home. This number has been increasing for the past seven years. In the last five years the restaurant industry has out-performed the national GNP by more than 40%.Due to the change in people lifestyles, economic climate, and due to the increase in the variety of products there are more than 600 restaurants opening every month and over 200 more needed to keep pace with increasing demand. Future Trends Strategic Opportunities The predicated expansion movement is very positive both in short and long-term projections. Folkney states again that as modern living creates more demands, people will be forced to eat more meals away from home. According to the DMR Industrial Report (April 1995) estimates this as high as 30% over the next five years. According to the National Restaurant organization (1998) released that how the Foodservice industry might look in the year 2000. Some highlights from the panels findings are as follows: Consumers will spend a superior quantity of their food dollar away from home. Independent operator and entrepreneurs will be the main source of new eating place concept. Food concern will be critical at all types of foodservice operations, and food flavour will be of greater significance. Ecological concerns will receive increased interest. Feasibility Study Financial Feasibility A Financial Feasibility study is an estimation of the financial aspects of something. This project has been assessed in terms of its financial feasibility and it feasibility in terms of cost and benefit analysis. The benefit that can be derived from this project and will outweighs it initial cost. Taking into account performance of restaurant with similar size in Wembley area, I have used those performances as to project the expected cash flows where on average they both produce  £10,000 per week. Operational Feasibility I recommend that this restaurant will be able to achieved these targeted payback period of five months to make back the initial investment. This analysis has been shown below: Revenue per month:  £78,350/5 =  £15,670 Revenue per staff per operating hours:  £78,350/ (10*8) =  £980 as part of company training policy, all staff will be well trained to deliver excellent customer service standard. Revenue per week:  £15,670/5 = £3,134 Social and Environment Feasibility I have undertaken a market a market research and environment scanning to ascertain whether there will be interest on our restaurant, what is the demographic settlement like in terms of food. My study indicated that most people will like our food because we will provide different kind of variety. Timescale In order to open a restaurant, we need to prepare business plan first. It will take around 1 month. About finding location and finding restaurant name will take 1 month. Finance the business will take 2 month because sometimes it takes time. Installation of electricity and equipment will take also 1 to 2 month. And last we need to obtain business licence. Task-1.2 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a tactical preparation process used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the purpose of the business course or project and identifies the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable for achieving the business objective. Strengths Brand equity The Restaurant location ( Wembley area ) Reliability of food Consumers choice at reasonable value and great service Cheaper price than others We have take-away option Different menu items Weakness Quality and taste of products Our restaurant is new and not established Our restaurant has poor disabled facilities Limited funds Opportunities A new office complex is being built near by A new housing development is planned Threats The high street brand is moving into the area A main competitor has lowered their prices Our operational costs are set to boost PEST Analysis A PEST analysis stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis and describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. Political Factors This relates to direct impact of political influences and it impacts our project. In the case of this project local council will support to our business because it will create jobs as well as optimize councils tax revenue. Especially creating job is a major priority for the national government so they will be in support of the project. And also there will be less political risk that will affect this project such as government rejection of the propose moved, increased in tax at present time in very unlikely. Economic Factors The general economic environment shows that spending level among some people individual will fall due to difficulty in gaining credit but most young people with relative disposable income can at least spend and these are the people we are targeting. Social Factors Social factors mainly include the educational aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. In this area I have undertaken a market research and environment scanning to ascertain whether there will be interest on our restaurant food. My study indicated that most people are Asian in Wembley area and will be interested in our Asian. . Technological Factors A technological factor includes the ecological and environmental aspects, such as RD activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. Here the impact of technological changes which we already possessed will help the company to gain competitive advantages such as e-commerce. Stakeholder Analysis A Stakeholder Analysis is a essential tool for identifying those people, groups and organisations that have significant and genuine interests in a specific urban issue. Clear understanding of the likely roles and contributions of the many different stakeholders is a original condition for a successful participatory urban Governance process, and stakeholder analysis is a basic tool for achieving this understanding. The Stakeholders are; Customers Suppliers Employees Shareholders Customers Each of the stakeholders will have different expectation of an organisation. They try to engage with customers. They provide sales information, monthly monitoring of views. Their customer question time meeting help to identify and respond to changing customers needs. Suppliers The relationship of interests between an organisation and its suppliers can be seen as very similar to that between the organisation and its customers, but reversed. They do regular visits, meeting and discussions with suppliers. They have direct relationships with important raw material suppliers. Suppliers stock the business with all its business supplies. Suppliers may want an increase in wages. Suppliers have an interest in ongoing and mutually beneficial business relationships, and they expect to be paid on time. Employees The Company try to engage with employees. They have many ways such as internal communications including an employee magazine and regular business updates. Employees many want an increase in pay rise. Staffs have a very big interest in the business in the form of wages, bonuses, discounts and holidays pensions. Employees interests may be seen as the assertion of certain rights deriving from what is seen to be acceptable in the way in which employees are treated within society. Shareholders The Company have shareholders. They do collection of feedback questions from individual shareholders. Shareholders are the owners of a company. Their only real involvement in the organisation will be at the Annual General Meeting, when they are called upon to approve, by a vote, the overall direction of the organisation and the senior management team responsible for achieving that direction. Oftentimes, the only difference between floating and drowning is the direction. Without the restaurant financial analysis, a restaurant may be face downwards without even knowing it. A restaurant financial analysis analyzes routine metrics such as profits and losses, cash flow, cost of sales and cost of labour. By assessing this data, operators can evaluate their finances and establish systems and structures to keep their restaurant a float. Restaurant financial analysis performance metrics Profits and losses Whether we are produced monthly or weekly, profit and loss statements give restaurant operators a broad overview of their sales history. But the information only becomes useful when broken down to reflect the cost of sales, cost of labour and other overhead costs. Restaurant financial analyses assess the profits and losses With a vital eye to settle on specific areas taht should be improved upon. . Cost of sales A restaurants cost of sales, sometimes referred to as cost of goods, is the sum of all expenses associated with producing the menu items. Should food costs be running at 20 percent or 40 percent? The answer can vary depending on A restaurants positioning (fast casual, casual or upscale) and menu mix. Restaurant financial analysis can help operator decide where their cost of sales should be by building academic food and beverage costs. Cost of labour Cost of labour is another donor to cost of sales. A fine line exists between overstaffing a Restaurant and scheduling enough employees to run a restaurant effectively. Sensible setting up and employee output are the best ways to control cost of labour. In addition, tools should be available to assess mid-shift needs. Many restaurateurs are unwilling to phase out employees in a timely fashion. Restaurant financial analysis can re-examine payroll reports, sales reports and customer counts to optimize Scheduling and productivity and decrease cost of labour. When to undergo restaurant financial analysis Opening a new restaurant When opening a restaurant, restaurateurs can make use of financial analysis to forecast their success. A restaurant financial consultant can sketch a five-year plan and financial forecast based on industry and division standards. Financial analysis can also be used to establish financial systems for a new restaurant. Wheels for cash handling, inventory, payroll and daily sales reconciliations should best established well in advance of a restaurant opening. By implementing these systems early in the game, a restaurant can effectively monitor them, giving it a greater chance of succeeding financially. Purchasing an existing restaurant Before the purchase of an existing eating place concept, restaurateurs should conduct financial analysis and feasibility studies to determine the productivity probable of the operation. This can be sketchy by evaluating pattern and trend in the restaurants past presentation and estimate the effect of probable changes. Running an operating restaurant Restaurant financial analysis is not just for new operations. Generally, it is most beneficial for restaurants already in operation. Whether a restaurant has been in business for a year or 20, financial analysis can help identify losses and hidden costs. That information will help establish proper financial systems or process existing ones to keep money from slipping through the crack. Who can perform a restaurant financial analysis? Restaurant financial analysis shouldnt be performed by just any financial consultant. It is best to work with consultants that specialize within the restaurant industry. The main goal of restaurant financial analysis is to help operator understand how their restaurant can become more profitable. A restaurant-specific consultant can explain the analysis course and their findings in terms that restaurant operators will know. A financial consultant will know the aim routine metrics for specific restaurant categories and the industry as a whole. They can provide guidance for the selection and performance of point-of-sale and accounting systems and show operators how to get best results from these systems. A financial consultant can help eating place operators build the necessary tools to pull and analyze their own financial reports. Eventually, financial analysis should be ongoing, becoming an everyday part of a restaurants thinking. Restaurant financial analysis doesnt just keep a restaurant floating, it helps their business fly. Task-1.3 Market Competitively and Activity This project will fit the business strategic of the restaurant because it will help gain competitive advantage, create new market for potential customers, gain market share in as well as responding to changes in business environment, increase profitability, establish local branch, obtaining new customers, expansion of business and improve companys image which could be achieved since there is an existing market gap which we can fill via Ansoffs matrix. Marketing Analysis shows that this project will make the business more competitive in the following ways: Demographic population: In west London area, the population is very high. There are many Asian restaurants available in the area. And the all restaurants provide good services and good food. Food variety: The social society will be interested in our food because we will provide variety in the food along with music. Market gap: the economic feasibility have highlighted that our competitors are doing well in these area. Industry Trends Studying industry trends is one of the first steps in conducting a market analysis. It will help you recognize opportunity and threats in the industry that may affect your productivity. Consider the following Food Service Industry 2000 Trends, reported by the National Restaurant Association: Consumers will spend a greater portion of their food dollars away from home; Competition in the food service industry will be more intense as growth continues; Major food service chains will increase their shares of both sales and units; Independent operators will be the main source of new restaurant concepts; Nutritional concerns will be critical at all types of food service operations; and Service will become a more important point of differentiation. Industry Tends Checklists: Growth in Industry Sales Quick-service vs. table-service Chain vs. Independent Types of restaurants (steakhouses, ethnic) Catering Deli, bakery and takeout operations Monthly/seasonal dining out patterns Industry sales outlook Market Demand Economic trends Consumer confidence Demographic trends Food away from home trends Factors that motivate one to dine out Eating habits of different market segments Menu Preferences Appetizers/soups Entrees Sandwiches Desserts Nutritional concerns Menu pricing Alcoholic beverage consumption Vegetarian trends Restaurant Success Factors New and popular concepts/themes Customer service innovations Pricing practices Food production methods Labour saving techniques Debt-to-Sales ratios and other statistics Legislative and Regulatory Issues Business meal tax deductibility Health insurance Wage and hour requirements Americans with Disabilities Act Competition:- This is restaurant in the area is very good because in this area almost Indian and mix people living. So restaurant is also provide verity of foods and dices serve. But in our restaurant totally different from other like blue ginger, Panther, Tikka world, Bombay bits etc .these all are our competitors but we provide best services, best food, best drinks so automatically our restaurant beet our restaurant . Competitive Strategy There are three major ways in which we will create an advantage over our competitors; product identity, quality, and novelty high employee motivation and good sales attitude Innovative and aggressive service options The restaurant will be the only restaurant among all the competition which focuses the entire menu on healthy, low-fat cooking. Each of the competitors offers at least one healthy selection on their menu. The target market will perceive the restaurant as the destination location for healthy, low-fat cooking. The main points are Pricing, Location, Reputation, Image/Brand, Choice/Variety, Service and Atmosphere. References (12th June 2010 ) (12th June 2010 ) (12th June 2010 ) (12th June 2010 ) (12th June 2010 Part 2 Task 2.1 Resources Materials: Rented property from an individual landlord in west London as a perfect location for the new restaurant to be open, this is critical factor in terms of visibility and easy access of the restaurant for our customers. Equipments: Different kinds of restaurant will require different kinds of equipment. Typically equipment needed to open a restaurant includes a service kitchen (oven, microwave, heat lamps, prep tables and dish washer, fryers, boilers, refrigerators (table, chairs, spoon, glasses and cash registers). Labour: Ten staff normal standard hours (8 hours per day) and contractors the fixed day of work for one month. Finance: Most banks and lenders require you to put some of your own money into the business and contrary to popular belief, they do lend money for businesses. The project financed can be source from long term borrowing from bank in Iceland of  £50,000 to finance the project deliverables. Cost Associated With Resources These are one-off capital cost required immediately to deliver project deliverables. Materials: property rent in west London area will requires a normal rental agreement with the landlord. A deposit of  £15,550 plus one months rent in advance including council tax will be require total  £32,350. Equipments: Kitchen equipment will cost  £10,000, boiler will cost  £2000, till and it maintenance will cost  £12000 and general things e.g. tables, chairs will coat  £8000. Labour: External contractors for refurbishment are expected at  £12,500 this will includes: electrician, refurbishing the restaurant and painting the restaurant. Sources of Finance The project financed can be source from long term borrowing from bank of  £78,350 to finance the project deliverables. They could be approach on the based that this project will recoup its initial investment within four months time; and that revenue generate can be used to pay of principal loan plus interest. Budget for the Project This project has been budgeted on the grounds of Zero based budgeting which involves identification of tasks to be performed and then funding resources to complete the task independent of current resourcing it ensure that resources are efficiently allocated. The project budgets have been made on this bases with each cost justify in terms of their usage in the project: Resources  £ Cost Rent 16,800 Total 16,800 Resources  £ Cost Deposite 15,550 Equipments 32,000 Labour 12,500 Miscellaneous expenses 1,500 Total 61,550 Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis is classically used by governments to assess the attraction of a given interference; it is an analysis of the cost success of different alternative in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs. The aim is to gauge the competence of the involvement relative to the status quo. The costs and benefits of the impacts of interference are evaluated in terms of the publics willingness to pay for them (benefits) or willingness to pay to avoid them (costs). Inputs are typically measured in terms of opportunity costs the value in their best alternative use. The guide attitude is to list all of the parties affected by an intervention, and place a monetary value of the outcome it has on their benefit as it would be valued by them. Years 0 1 2 3 Present value 78,350 3,90,180 1,090,860 1,072,163 Probability 50% 50% 50% Certainty equivalent 1,95,090 5,45,430 5,36,082 D.F 9% 1.000 0.880 0.945 0.820 Present value (75,000) 1,71,679 5,15,431 4,39,587 NPV  £10,51,697 The project is viable because it will yields to shareholder wealth conception of about  £2.01 million in three years time. However incorporate rick to the cash flows using certainty equal, and for the fact that current economic climate in terms of expenses will affect all industries, I am certain that the 50% of the cash flows will be generate in each of the years. This is show below: One time investment Budget Overview    Sources of Funds Proposed Loan from Bank  £100,000 Uses of Funds Construction  £65,000 Walk-in Refrigerator  £10,000 Cooler for Beverages  £5,000 Stove oven  £5,000 Deep Fryer  £4,000 Two sinks for Kitchen  £1,000 Microwave  £500 Toaster  £100 Cash Register  £400 Furniture  £7,000 Dinnerware  £1,000 Pots and Pans  £1,000 Plan by Month or Period Most of the restaurants use a scheme of 12-month or 13 four-week periods to way their yearly accounts. By infringement the budget down into these types of sections, it is easier to see when money is moving in and out of the eating place. Anticipate Your Costs In the eating place, budget is often a game of evaluation costs and income. In fact, a budget is much like a profit and loss (PL) account extended over a longer period of time. Be set to account for the following costs in your yearly budget: Rent or mortgage payments Taxes Insurance Labour/payroll Utilities Loan payments Operational supplies Repairs and maintenance Marketing Training Food service professional recommend that you plan to spend about 30 percent of your budget on food, 25 percent on labour, 10 percent on rent or advance, and 3 percent on utilities.1 The rest goes in small part to operational charge, promotion, taxes, continuation and other patchy costs. These are purely sketchy plan to follow, as every restaurants payment and budget are different. Look below for a graphical image of these suggested expenditures: Know Your Breakeven Point The cope point is the volume of sale needed to cover all charge without making a profit. It is the bare least amount amount of sales the restaurant process needs to bring in to survive. It is central to know your restaurant breakeven point so that future monetary decisions can be made in hopes of making a reasonable profit. Analyze Your Financials Every Period Exploratory your PL and your budget on a weekly and monthly basis will help you keep your bases covered in terms of realize your payment and income. Appraise your budget operational payment and your actual expenses, as well as the net profit you expected and what your eating place actually made. Make a note of any areas in which your expenses exceed your budget amount. When budgeting for the year, especially if you are doing so for the first time, it helps to have a budget worksheet. Download a sample budget worksheet to your own back office computer. Cost of Goods Sold The cost of goods sold was strong-minded by taking actual Profit and Loss statement from various eating place concepts and then using our price structure and guest counts to arrive at costs. Management Payroll Figures are based upon the use of five managers per unit at our maximum bonus and salary levels. If we use four managers per restaurant, this will lower our payroll. Fixed and Variable Expenses The various fixed and variable expenses were determined by taking actual numbers from several different restaurant concepts. Marketing Fees These funds will be used for the production of various marketing materials. Advertising These funds will be used, if necessary, to maintain our sales at projected levels. If we are management appreciably ahead of our sales projection, then these funds may not be necessary. Management Fees We will use these pounds for accounting and payroll services of our firm. As we grow in size, this cost burden will shrink per store due to efficiencies in volume. Important Assumptions The financial plan depends on important assumption, most of which are revealed in the following table as annual assumption. The journal assumptions are included in the annotation. Interest rates, tax rates, and personnel burden are based on traditional assumptions. Some of the more important causal assumption is: We assume a strong economy, without a major recession. We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in consumers tastes or interests to make our concept less competitive. Task 2.2 Report TO: Management FROM: Project Manager DATE: 20th May 2009 SUBJECT: Staff Development and Training Cost Introduction This report is concerned staff training and development it related cost associated to this project. The company sales force plays a vital role in delivering better customer services and each member have different training needs depending our their position. The companys their future depends on nurturing great individual talent and providing an environment where staff can flourish personally and professionally. Successful training will help to develop the following skills. Deliver excellent customers Well motivated Increase morale Improved job and staff performance. Recruitment takes place from the point when a business decides that it needs to employ somebody up to the point where a pile of completed application forms has arrived in the post. Selections then involve choosing a suitable applicant through a range of ways of organization out suitable candidates leading to interview and other tests. Training involves providing a range of planned performance that enable an employee to develop the skill, attitudes and knowledge required by the organisation and the work required. A job account is also helpful because it sets out: The job description can be sent out to probable candidate along with a person arrangement, which sets out the pleasing and vital description that someone will need to have to be selected to the post. A variety of media will be used to be a magnet for applications e.g. national newspapers for national jobs, and local papers and media for local posts. Objectives of Training and Development The main objective of staff training and development is to improve the qualities of the trainee, formulation of objectives for different needs and ways to achieve it. The training objective is very important because it determine the calculated and content of the training programme. Contents of the training stay put the same no matter the type of training occupied. It is to increase personnel efficiency, professional growth and smooth and more useful organizations operations. Methods of Training and Development On the job training/coaching: This relates to formal training on the job. A worker becomes experienced on the job over time due to modification of job behaviours at the point of training or acquisition of skills. Induction/orientation: This is carried out for new entrants on the job to make them familiar with the total corporate requirements like norms, ethics, values, rules and regulations. Apprenticeship: A method of training where an unskilled person understudies a skilled person. Demonstration: Teaching by example, whereby the skilled worker performs the job and the unskilled closely observes so as to understand the job. Vestibule: This is done through engineering part for the purpose of skills and technology transfer. It is therefore achieve through residency of an individual within anothe

Appalachia Culture Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people have different views on what Appalachia is, I grew up thinking that Appalachia meant people were dirty, poor, illiterate, inbreed and we also called them mountain people. As I grew up I realized that most of the things they went through and had a hard time with, I was dealing with the same problems. So what exactly is Appalachia? Well you will find out as you read on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Appalachia is no longer the land of severe poverty that it was three decades ago, now the poverty rate of one in 15 is close to the national average. The number of adults who have received a high school diploma has also jumped from one out of three to two out of three; and the infant death rate has been cut in half. Comparing the 391 counties in the Appalachian Regional Commission with counties outside the region that were similar to Appalachian counties in the 1960s, researchers found that Appalachian counties grew significantly faster than their counterparts. Specifically, overall income in Appalachia grew 48 percent faster; per capita income grew 17 percent faster; and population grew five percent faster.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Appalachian mountaineers have been discovered and forgotten many times. Their primitive agriculture disrupted by foragers and incessant guerrilla warfare, thousands of them straggled out of the mountains in search of food and shelter. Their plight was brought to the attention of President Lincoln, who promised that after the war a way would be found to aid the poor mountain people whom the world had bypassed and forgotten for so long. The war ended, President Lincoln was assassinated, and so therefore Appalachia was forgotten. Appalachian people are considered a separate culture, made up of many unique backgrounds - Native Americans, Irish, English and Scotch, and then a third immigration of Germans and Poles - all blended together across the region. The mountains also figure into the uniqueness of Appalachia. The mountains kept Appalachia isolated from the rest of the country and from other people's involvement in their lives that they developed a distinctive culture. ( The life in the wilderness and the continuing isolation of Appalachian people has made us different from most other Americans. The Appalachian value system that influences attitudes and behavior is diff... ...the only major geologic event in the history of the Appalachians. Several glaciers have covered parts of the Northern Appalachians over the last three million years. (Appalachian tales) The mountains have been there ever since and that is how they were formed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So what is Appalachia? Appalachia is no different from any other person in this world. The people had to struggle just as bad as some of us did, but were criticized because they lived in the mountains or away from other people. They didn’t know that once they sold their land for the oil miners that they would loose everything and eventually be run out from their own homes. They couldn’t help being poor or not being able to go to school and get the proper education like most of us got. So why do we still have these same stereotypes now as they had before? One description was that they walked barefoot and I guess I’m part of the Appalachian region because I walk outside almost everyday barefoot even though I had my thoughts about which Appalachian people were. Appalachia is part of our history that people don’t know much about or they wouldn’t have these stereotypes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture in Blood Brothers Essay -- Blood Brothers Nature vs

Nature vs. Nurture in Blood Brothers As the play goes on, it becomes more and more apparent that Willie Russell believes that nurture has a lot more to do with the outcome of someone that nature. He presents this by splitting two twins at birth and tells of how they were brought up in very different ways, one in a rich and posh family, Eddie, and one in a big, poor family, Mickey. He does not go into any detail about how exactly they are brought up, however, it is quite clear that Eddie has been to a private school and has had a lot of attention in the first seven years of his life. On the other hand, Mickey appears to have not received much attention and would almost definitely have gone to a poor school. When they meet, the simple fact that they do not realise that they’re twins, especially when they find out that their birthdays are on the same day, shows that their physical appearances must have been changed quite a lot by their parents and environment. Mickey: â€Å"When’s your birthday?† Eddie: â€Å"December 12th†. Mickey: â€Å"So is mine.† It does not give any specific images of any of their appearances but you would expect Eddie to have a side parting, clean face and may be chubbier that Mickey due to a better diet and he would have been more knowledgeable about hygiene. Mickey would probably be quite a grubby boy and perhaps not as tall as Eddie but he will probably be stronger that Eddie because of the amount of time spent outside playing. Eddie would probably have watched the TV or played on a computer because it was available to him. Their language, accent and ability to use language contrasts greatly. Mickey appears to have a posh accent, or just a lot more posh than Mickey’s. When they ... ...a lot more. Later on in their lives, Eddie achieves a lot more financially that Mickey does. This is almost purely due to do with his family because he takes over the job from his dad. Mickey later finds out that the job that he has at the moment is only his because Eddie got it for him, otherwise he would probably be unemployed. However, Mickey is married and has lot more friends that Eddie. For example when they are talking in the factory: Eddie: †¦..†What’s wrong?† Mickey: â€Å"Look it’s †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ its the other lads †¦. They’re looking†. Here, Mickey doesn’t want to be seen with Eddie because he’s the boss and his friends don’t like him talking to him. Generally, Willy Russell puts over his views about the nature/nurture debate very clearly. Mickey has a poor upbringing and becomes poor whereas Eddie has a good upbringing and becomes very successful.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Short Story Of Night - A C :: essays research papers

"The Short History Of Night" by John Mighton fervently seeks to expound upon the idea that societal disorder will eventually affect all levels of society despite any purposeful attempts to be detached, whether physically, using status or otherwise. Throughout many facets of the play this thought is effectively echoed, more particularly in the areas of set design, sound and light design, and character development. The utilization of levels in the set design is sensibly used in what I believe, a twofold purpose. First, and more obviously, to create various physical levels on stage with the use of the raised circular portion as in the scene with Kepler and his soon-to-be wife sitting on a hill awaiting his "prophesied" comet or with the depiction of Tycho's observatory. On the other hand, this rise in physical level also produces a platform for a higher level of observation or rationale. Kepler's wife, while standing on this upper level, would begin to ponder and question her husband on various topics possibly beyond her character's intelligence level as inferred by her husband's response. It is ironic that she is also placed at this level as she is "raving" during her interrogation on her involvement with witchcraft. Therefore, following the same train of thought, the use of this arrangement suggests that her examiners, namely the Inquisitor, are merely acting out of ignoran ce. Most tangible however, is the complete black appearance of the set that helps considerably to establish the notion that the play is a representation of place in a period of discord. The darkness of the set creates a sense of eerieness and obscurity that draws the audience into the social upheaval of this period. More interestingly, over the course of the play this "blackness" extends into the allusion of the lurking evils of the society and its possible infiltration at any time on the unsuspecting. Working in conjunction with the set, to completely produce the aforementioned effect, is the sound and lighting design. Strikingly impressive, is the use of shadows to create scenes and evoke mood, as with the shadow representation of the forest creating the setting and generating a harrowing atmosphere -- perfect for Kepler's secret journey to Tycho's observatory. The sound and music successfully accentuate the growing conflict in the play with the extensive use of tension chords, particularly during the arrival of the Inquisitor and the scene changes, creating dissonant, chaotic-sounding tones.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Tourism: Marketing and Tour Operator

In the tourism industry, travel agents, tour operators etc. are considered the intermediaries (distributors). Their main task is to bring buyers and sellers in the field together and reduce transaction and supply/ownership costs between buyer and seller, instead of completely eliminating an intermediary (such as a distributor). Benefits of Tourism Intermediaries? For the producer: * they are able to sell in bulk (for example: hotels) and might be able to transfer a certain risk to the * tour operator depending on the contracts made * reduce promotion costsFor the Consumer: * avoids search and transaction costs (by purchasing inclusive tour) * gain from specialist knowledge of tour operator * often gain most from lower prices Disadvantages of Tourism Intermediaries? The use of intermediaries by producers, such as hotels, will result in the loss of margins and in the loss of influence in the distribution process. ?For the consumer choice may be reduced and prices increase, especially w ith the further concentration and consolidation of tourism intermediaries. 1. 2 Integration, consolidation and concentrationThe term integration is an economic concept to describe formal linking arrangements between one organisation and another. (Cooper – Fletcher 2005) Horizontal integration? This occurs when two tour operator or two travel agents amalgamate, either through merger or takeover. The main reason is to ensure the extended geographical spread of outlets to ensure representation in al regions ? Vertical integration? A certain linking occurs along the production process. For example airlines establish their own tour operating company (British Airways. But the most common form of vertical integration within tourism intermediaries is when a wholesaler/ tour operator purchase or merge with a travel agency chain. ?One good example of wide range of integrated activities is the French conglomerate Groupe Accor: 3. 4 Integration strategies as means of expansion strategies Tour wholesaler or tour operator can strengthen their market position by integration. Integration takes place whencompanies merge or one company buys another. As it was outlined in Chapter 1 already, there are two main forms of integration: 1.Vertical integration It takes place when two companies of different levels on the distribution chain merge. Examples could be, when a supplier merges with a wholesaler/tour operator or a tour wholesaler merges with a retail agent.? We speak of backward vertical integration, when a wholesaler merges with or buys an airline or with a hotel. With this move a greater control over the source of supply is desired. ?We speak of forward vertical integration, when a tour wholesaler merges or buys a travel agency. In this case greater control over the distribution network is wanted.? Lubbe 2000) 2. Horizontal integration It means that tour wholesalers/ tour operator merges on the same level of distribution. For example a tour wholesaler buys another tou r wholesaler to improve their market share and reduce competition. In general, horizontal integration always leads to economics of scale, in functions such as human resources, purchasing, and thus to cost savings and price reductions. Through cost savings an organisation may become more cost effective, allowing them to develop a better range of products and to achieve better quality control.? (Lubbe 2000)

Friday, August 16, 2019

European External Action Service Introduction Essay

European External Action Service Introduction Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To strengthen the European Union, make it more efficiency, make its projects more interesting and give it more profile, there was the need for the establishment of External European Action Service (EEAS). According to treaty of Lisbon signed in 2007, the establishment of EEAS was to be carried out by high representative council after consulting European parliament. Following this, on 25th march 2010 high representatives council sent a proposal for the establishment of EEAS to European Parliament. With discussions, negotiations, and consideration of various concerns, EEAS was approved for established by European government on 8 July 2010. Functions of external European action service   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main aim why the external European action service was made is to enhance European Union global functions. It was created to make broad functions of European Union more Efficient and that is the base which creates the functions of the external European service action. The external European action service performs presidency and diplomatic functions. In the precedential role, the body assists the President of the European Council to carry out his responsibilities on foreign issues. In its diplomatic service, external European action service supports High representative who is also the vice president of the European commission (Eeckhout, 94).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The external European action service is responsible of coordinating the ministries of development and defense. From a development perspective, the external European action service plays a role of shaping strategy and programming development collaboration all over the word. The body combines the technical experts of the European commissions and the council’s political weight in the process of enhancing European Union role all over the world. On the side of defense, the body works under the European Union where they provide military support all over the word in the peace keeping process under the European Union policy of common security and defense (Austermann 70).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   External European action service maintains a good neighborhood relation with other countries. Most of the countries who border the European Union in sides are undergoing a political change. Under the policy of neighborhood, the external European action service work hard to ensure a solid union with those countries in the process of easing political transitions in those countries. Challenges external European action service face   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Integration is the key challenge that the external European action service is facing today. The body was formed recently and is still struggling to integrate bodies of the European Union which they work hand in hand for global role achievement. For example the security and defense body has is decision making council, this council decisions contradicts the decisions of the external European action service and thus they fail to agree on any issue. The efforts of external European Union to integrate this bodies end up fruitless because of lack of teamwork between the organs of the European Union (waele et. al, 251).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The external European action service is facing another main challenge of competition between the institutions. During the formation of external action service, the main bodies that were involved were the council and member state. Their main aim was to make external operations of the European Union effective. Other institutional took it as a plan to bring inter-institution competition. This altitude makes it difficult for the External action to operate because other institution performs their duties with the aim of competition and thus they can not agree with the decisions of the external European action service (Blocksman and Steven 23). Recommendations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   More has to be done to increase authority and capacity of the external European action service in its operations. One, chairperson of the working groups of the external action should be permanently appointed other than the current system where the chair is rotational. The capacity of external European action service in handling major European Union policies should be increased. The policies that should be considered are; struggle against terrorism, energy security and environment among other policies (Boening et. al, 33).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The policy and planning capability of external European action service should be strengthened. This will enable the body to be more efficient on strategic issues and paper work planning. The external European action service should be provided with the necessary resources for it to function well this should be done after the staffing level review has been done. All this recommendations will ensure that the external European action service is efficient in its work. This will be an advantage to the European Union (Morgera 64). Relation to European Union Countries   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   External European action service ensures that there is strong cooperation between the European Union and European Union members on matters of foreign affairs and policy. This is done through the influence of the civil servants of both the European Union and European countries, where they establish a living link. External European action service has helped European Union to be stable on matters of foreign affairs and thus many countries have aspired to join the European Union. This has made the number of European Union members to rise where currently they are more than 28 (Brierly and Clapham 142). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, we have discussed about the functions, challenges, recommendations and relation of external European action service in this easy and we have seen that this organization is one of the strongholds of the European Union. The global picture of the European Union is reflected by this body and since the formation of the European action service the performance of the European Union has improved. More research on how this organization can be entrusted with more power and ways to solve the institution competition should be done. This will enable it to be more efficient in its operations. References Austermann, Frauke. European Union Delegations in Eu Foreign Policy: A Diplomatic Service of Different Speeds. , 2014. Internet resource. Blockmans, Steven. Fit for Purpose?: The European External Action Service One Year on. Oxford: Oxfam GB, 2012. Print. Boening, Astrid, Jan-Frederik Kremer, and Aukje . Loon. Global Power Europe: Volume 1. Berlin: Springer, 2013. Internet resource. Brierly, J L, and Andrew Clapham. Brierly’s Law of Nations: An Introduction to the Role of International Law in International Relations. , 2012. Print. Eeckhout, Piet. Eu External Relations Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print. Morgera, Elisa. The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: Eu and International Law Perspectives. , 2012. Print. Waele, Henri C. F. J. A, and Jan-Jaap Kuipers. The European Union’s Emerging International Identity: Views from the Global Arena. , 2013. Print. Source document